The Best Part of School Is Recess

by Luis Angel Ortega (Tuesday, August 11, 2020) | 158 words / 1 minutes

Today I read a poem by Jaime Sabines, one of his verses said the following:

    “The best part of school is recess,”
    says Judit, and I think:
    when will life give me a break?
    Damn! I’m tired. I need
    to die for at least a week.

These words echoed in me, I also want to die for a week so that I can wake up, and more importantly maintain, the spirits and mental clarity I experience from 8:30 to 9 in the morning, while I read (the time when I read this and other poems, by the way) and listen to music.

But the truth is that I have been dead for more than a week, 140 days to be exact, or at least that’s how it feels. I want to go to recess, a break from this era of human history, and be able to feel euphoria for life again, not a constant fear of losing it.

Writings: Blogposts Tags: poem jaime sabines covid thoughts