- Parasites Are Everywhere. Why Do So Few Researchers Study Them?: A deepdive into the world of parasites, something that it seems we dont think enough about.
My Obsidian Note-Taking Workflow: Very detailed setup and workflow, it has some nice ideas and back links that I want to check out later.
Generate EPUB documents from RSS feeds and URLs and take your e-book reader offline: Interesting workflow if you want to about your e-reader to have access to the internet
An ordinary day with a Linux mobile device: A really interesting post of the use of postmarketOS, a distro I don’t hear a lot about. It also has some cool ideas like the radio script!
- Re: Do people IRL know you have a blog?: A great commentary on why some people (including myself) really like to have a website and share non-important stuff on them
On Politics and Poetry: Beautiful poem about politics.
A system to organise your life: Interesting way to organize the digital documents.
History, Technology and Design: Cool Obsidian setup. Obsidian used for history research. Interesting plugins included.
Gwern.net: A really interesting, super information packed site. Will come from time to time to this site to read more from this person.
Coffee: Never Surprise your Customers (Casey Software): A story on how even if a business is taking a loss of money somewhere it may be beneficial to them. Also, story about coffee.
When Charlottesville was in the front lines (Emily Gorcenski): Emily describes why A24’s Civil War doesn’t hit in a country that seems to have started one already.
Why you should let insects eat yout Plants (BBC): A really interesting piece on a new approach we should have on our graden, definitely will keep this in mind!
Desinging furniture using the CSS grid (Alnvdl): Super interesting tool using vanilla js and css
- How teens benefit from being able to read ‘disturbing’ books that some want to ban (Gay Ivey): I really like the idea of letting students choose their lectures instead of forcing them into a pre-curated catalog. Many of my favorite books come from a pile on the teacher’s desk where she just told us “choose”.